NorthConnex Sydney Australia, Case Study
NorthConnex is a nine kilometre tunnel that will link the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills, removing around 5,000 trucks off Pennant Hills Road each day. NorthConnex will be the longest road tunnel project in Australia. NorthConnex will provide twin motorway tunnels around nine kilometres in length with a height clearance of 5.3 m and a speed limit of 80 km/h. Each tunnel will be built with long term capacity for three lanes, but will initially operate with two lanes and a breakdown lane in each direction.

Project Overview

NorthConnex Sydney Australia, Case Study
NorthConnex is a nine kilometre tunnel that will link the M1 Pacific Motorway at Wahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills, removing around 5,000 trucks off Pennant Hills Road each day. NorthConnex will be the longest road tunnel project in Australia. NorthConnex will provide twin motorway tunnels around nine kilometres in length with a height clearance of 5.3 m and a speed limit of 80 km/h. Each tunnel will be built with long term capacity for three lanes, but will initially operate with two lanes and a breakdown lane in each direction.

NorthConnex Sydney Australia, Case Study
NorthConnex is a nine kilometre tunnel that will link the M1 Pacific Motorway atWahroonga to the Hills M2 Motorway at West Pennant Hills, removing around 5,000trucks off Pennant Hills Road each day. NorthConnex will be the longest road tunnelproject in Australia.NorthConnex will provide twin motorway tunnels around nine kilometres in lengthwith a height clearance of 5.3 m and a speed limit of 80 km/h. Each tunnel will bebuilt with long term capacity for three lanes, but will initially operate with two lanesand a breakdown lane in each direction.

Project Overview
During construction, the tunnelling contractors Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture(LLBJV) encountered a large amount of mud and slop which was having a significantimpact on operational efficiency inside the tunnel site.The practise of mixing the excess mud with the dry spoil and removing it by a tippertrucks was not solving the mud issue. When the dry spoil was exhausted the mud had to be removed with vacuum excavation trucks. This waste was then classified asa liquid waste and to meet the requirements of the projects Environment ProtectionLicense (EPL), the waste had to be transported and disposed of at a licensed liquidwaste treatment facility. This process was proving to be extremely time consumingand expensive with the cost of specialised vacuum trucks and liquid waste disposalfees.
Cost Savings
The spoil was able to be taken away in a tipper trucks instead of expensive vacuumtrucks. The solidified mud was able to be disposed of at a clean fill site, the Hornsbyquarry. Savings were made on the elimination of additional transport costs & liquidwaste disposal fees which were being incurred when it was in a liquid slurry state.Approximately $200 per tonne was saved on the spoil disposal costs.Onsite, tunnelling production was not held up as the tunnel floor was able to clearedquickly & easily using an excavator, after the application of MF001 to absorb themoisture. The large labour costs were significantly reduced by using PureFLO MF001.
Project Overview
During construction, the tunnelling contractors Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture (LLBJV) encountered a large amount of mud and slop which was having a significant impact on operational efficiency inside the tunnel site. The practise of mixing the excess mud with the dry spoil and removing it by a tipper trucks was not solving the mud issue. When the dry spoil was exhausted the mud had to be removed with vacuum excavation trucks. This waste was then classified as a liquid waste and to meet the requirements of the projects Environment Protection License (EPL), the waste had to be transported and disposed of at a licensed liquid waste treatment facility. This process was proving to be extremely time consuming and expensive with the cost of specialised vacuum trucks and liquid waste disposal fees.

Cost Savings
For further information on how PureFLO solidification reagent could be used on your site, please call Polpure on 0418 634 433 or
During construction, the tunnelling contractors Lend Lease Bouygues Joint Venture (LLBJV) encountered a large amount of mud and slop which was having a significant impact on operational efficiency inside the tunnel site. The practise of mixing the excess mud with the dry spoil and removing it by a tipper trucks was not solving the mud issue. When the dry spoil was exhausted the mud had to be removed with vacuum excavation trucks. This waste was then classified as a liquid waste and to meet the requirements of the projects Environment Protection License (EPL), the waste had to be transported and disposed of at a licensed liquid waste treatment facility. This process was proving to be extremely time consuming and expensive with the cost of specialised vacuum trucks and liquid waste disposal fees.
Cost Savings
The spoil was able to be taken away in a tipper trucks instead of expensive vacuum trucks. The solidified mud was able to be disposed of at a clean fill site, the Hornsby quarry. Savings were made on the elimination of additional transport costs & liquid waste disposal fees which were being incurred when it was in a liquid slurry state. Approximately $200 per tonne was saved on the spoil disposal costs. Onsite, tunnelling production was not held up as the tunnel floor was able to cleared quickly & easily using an excavator, after the application of MF001 to absorb the moisture. The large labour costs were significantly reduced by using PureFLO MF001.
For further information on how PureFLO solidification reagent could be used on your site, please contact Polpure on 0418 634 433 or
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