Industries like construction, biosolids treatment, water transfer, and waste management all rely on dewatering equipment to minimise the weight and volume of their semi-solid waste. Since disposal services determine cost based on weight, leaving the water in can double or even triple the cost of removing and treating the waste. This is where dewatering equipment comes in.
Polpure offers dewatering equipment to rent, lease, or purchase. Our dewatering equipment helps businesses gain control of their disposal costs, reduce the overall volume, and weight of disposable waste, and even generate supplemental income. By processing other companies’ waste and seeking other dewatering opportunities such as P.O.T.W. industrial, agricultural, or composting of solid wastes, your initial investment in dewatering equipment will pay for itself and more in a very short amount of time.

Our Dewatering Systems

Industries like construction, biosolids treatment, water transfer, and waste management all rely on dewatering equipment to minimise the weight and volume of their semi-solid waste. Since disposal services determine cost based on weight, leaving the water in can double or even triple the cost of removing and treating the waste. This is where dewatering equipment comes in.
Polpure offer dewatering equipment to rent, lease, or purchase. Our dewatering equipment helps businesses gain control of their disposal costs, reduce the overall volume, and weight of disposable waste, and even generate supplemental income. By processing other companies’ waste and seeking other dewatering opportunities such as P.O.T.W. industrial, agricultural, or composting of solid wastes, your initial investment in dewatering equipment will pay for itself and more in a very short amount of time.

Industries like construction, biosolids treatment, water transfer, and waste management all rely on dewatering equipment to minimise the weight and volume of their semi-solid waste. Since disposal services determine cost based on weight, leaving the water in can double or even triple the cost of removing and treating the waste. This is where dewatering equipment comes in.
Polpure offer dewatering equipment to rent, lease, or purchase. Our dewatering equipment helps businesses gain control of their disposal costs, reduce the overall volume and weight of disposable waste, and even generate supplemental income. By processing other companies’ waste and seeking other dewatering opportunities such as Publicly Owned Treatment Works, industrial, agricultural, or composting of solid wastes, your initial investment in dewatering equipment will pay for itself and more in a very short amount of time.

please Call 02 6365 4433 or
Our Dewatering Systems
Companies love our dewatering systems for their simple design, exceptional performance, and on-site convenience. Your business will require less runs to landfill, and eliminate any headaches associated with landfills and large corporate liquid disposal companies. Investing in dewatering equipment helps autonomise your disposal process and greatly improve the overall efficiency and associated costs.
Our dewatering containers use a chemical treatment method to successfully separate liquid from solids in the waste, making the reject water safe enough to be drained in a public sewer.
An Aqua-Zyme system can even contribute to reductions in FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease), TSS (Total Suspended Solids), BOD (Biological Oxygen Demand), and COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) rates. All residual solids processed through our dewatering equipment will also pass the “Paint Filter Test”, with repetitive levels of 18% to 22% solids.
Liquid waste enters the mixing unit which mixes in the right polymer. Waste treatment polymers work as flocculating agents. The polymers cause sediments to collect to make the process of filtering easier. After mixing in the polymers, the waste is then pumped into the dewatering container.
Our Dewatering Systems
Companies love our dewatering systems for their simple design, exceptional performance, and on-site convenience. Your business will require less runs to the landfill, and eliminate any headaches associated with landfills and large corporate liquid disposal companies. Investing in dewatering equipment helps autonomise your disposal process and greatly improve the overall efficiency and associated costs.
Our dewatering containers use a chemical treatment method to successfully separate liquid from solids in the waste, making the reject water safe enough to be drained in a public sewer.
An Aqua-Zyme system can even contribute to reductions in FOG, TSS, BOD, and COD rates. All residual solids processed through our dewatering equipment will also pass the “Paint Filter Test”, with repetitive levels of 18% to 22% solids.

Companies love our dewatering systems for their simple design, exceptional performance, and on-site convenience. Your business will require less runs to the landfill, and eliminate any headaches associated with landfills and large corporate liquid disposal companies. Investing in dewatering equipment helps autonomise your disposal process and greatly improve the overall efficiency and associated costs.
Our dewatering containers use a chemical treatment method to successfully separate liquid from solids in the waste, making the reject water safe enough to be drained in a public sewer.
An Aqua-Zyme system can even contribute to reductions in FOG, TSS, BOD, and COD rates. All residual solids processed through our dewatering equipment will also pass the “Paint Filter Test”, with repetitive levels of 18% to 22% solids.

Liquid waste enters the mixing unit which mixes in the right number of polymers. Waste treatment polymers work as flocculating agents. The polymers cause sediments to collect to make the process of filtering easier. After mixing in the polymers, the waste is then pumped into the dewatering container.
To discuss your dewatering requirements, or arrange a site visit please Call 02 6365 4433 or
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