As an industry leader in organics recycling we produce quality assured soils, composts and mulches. We offer a full range of services including the design and construction of the BioReactor Composting System.
Our state-of-the-art facilities located in Orange NSW operate according to quality assured integrated management systems. We are environmentally responsible producing quality assured soils, composts and mulches.
Our composting products are designed to provide a valuable resource for our local community. We pride ourselves on being able to meet the needs of residents, businesses, and farmers by ensuring that all end use markets are met.

Our Services
- Aerated Turn Pile
- Static Pile
- In-vessel Composting
- Removal of Green and Timber Waste
- Manufacture Organic Soil
- Mulch
- Soil Application
- Worms

As an industry leader in organics recycling we produce quality assured soils, composts and mulches. We offer a full range of services including the design and construction of the BioReactor Composting System.
Our state-of-the-art facilities located in Orange NSW operate according to quality assured integrated management systems. We are environmentally responsible producing quality assured soils, composts and mulches.
Our composting products are designed to provide a valuable resource for our local community. We pride ourselves on being able to meet the needs of residents, businesses, and farmers by ensuring that all end use markets are met.

Solid Waste and Resource Recovery
Our state-of-the-art facilities located in Orange NSW operate according to quality assured integrated management systems. As an industry leader in organics recycling we produce quality assured soils, composts and mulches using environmentally responsible methods.
Polpure also offers a full range of services including the design and construction of the BioReactor Composting System
Our composting products are designed to provide a valuable resource for our local community. We pride ourselves on being able to meet the needs of residents, businesses, and farmers by ensuring that all end use markets are met.
Our Services
- Aerated Turn Pile
- Static Pile
- In-vessel Composting
- Removal of Green and Timber Waste
- Manufacture Organic Soil
- Mulch
- Soil Application
- Worms

Our Services
- Aerated Turn Pile
- Static Pile
- In-vessel Composting
- Removal of Green and Timber Waste
- Manufacture Organic Soil
- Mulch
- Soil Application
- Worms

With the BioReactor Composting System, reaching to the future of composting is possible now. XACT’s vision is to:
- Reduce dependency on landfills by diverting organics
- Treat biosolids and manure before they are applied to the land
- Convert solid organics into an earth-friendly soil amendment.

XACT Composter
Features of the XACT BioReactor Composter include:
- Faster and quality composting - composts organic waste in 4 to 7 days.
- Low labour requirement.
- Heavy-duty engineered machine - it is built like a battleship!
- Simple robust design - the BioReactor can be installed in just 4 hours.
- Affordable.
- Excellent Return on Investment.
- Extremely small footprint.
- Controls odours and leachates
- Kills pathogens
XACT Systems composting technology, offers an accelerated, automated, and aerobic composting system. This rotating drum composter with its advanced technological monitoring and control system handily overcomes the tremendous challenge of sustainable, responsible management of huge volumes of solid organic waste.

XACT Composter
Features of the XACT BioReactor Composter include:
- Faster and quality composting - composts organic waste in 4 to 7 days.
- Low labour requirement.
- Heavy-duty engineered machine - it is built like a battleship!
- Simple robust design - the BioReactor can be installed in just 4 hours.
- Affordable.
- Excellent Return on Investment.
- Extremely small footprint.
- Controls odours and leachates
- Kills pathogens
XACT Systems composting technology, offers an accelerated, automated, and aerobic composting system. This rotating drum composter with its advanced technological monitoring and control system handily overcomes the tremendous challenge of sustainable, responsible management of huge volumes of solid organic waste.

With the BioReactor Composting System, reaching to the future of composting is possible now. XACT’s vision is to:
- Reduce dependency on landfills by diverting organics.
- Treat biosolids and manure before they are applied to the land.
- Convert solid organics into an earth-friendly soil amendment.

XACT Composter
Features of the XACT BioReactor Composter include:
- Faster and quality composting - composts organic waste in 4 to 7 days.
- Low labour requirement.
- Heavy-duty engineered machine - it is built like a battleship!
- Simple robust design - the BioReactor can be installed in just 4 hours.
- Affordable.
- Excellent Return on Investment.
- Extremely small footprint.
- Controls odours and leachates
- Kills pathogens
XACT Systems composting technology, offers an accelerated, automated, and aerobic composting system. This rotating drum composter with its advanced technological monitoring and control system handily overcomes the tremendous challenge of sustainable, responsible management of huge volumes of solid organic waste.

With the BioReactor Composting System, reaching to the future of composting is possible now. XACT’s vision is to:
- Reduce dependency on landfills by diverting organics.
- Treat biosolids and manure before they are applied to the land.
- Convert solid organics into an earth-friendly soil amendment.

How the BioReactor Works
The most impressive time saving feature of the BioReactor Composting Systems in the length of time it takes to process and transform solid organic waste into compost. Typically, the processing time is 4 days! What? How? The BioReactor does so by tightly controlling the factors that are needed for natural decomposition to occur.
The rotating drum provides a perfect environment for the decomposition process to occur. The naturally occurring aerobic bacteria do the actual decomposition work, and the BioReactor provides the perfect setting by controlling all the relevant factors—moisture, oxygen, temperature—within the specific parameters that good composting requires as per Mother Nature!
The time that the waste remains in the vessel is called retention time and this can vary depending on the type of waste to be composted. Typically, 4 days is sufficient to achieve compost that is about 75% mature (decomposed) and pathogen free, weed seed free, insect larvae free and virtually odourless.

XACT Systems began developing the In-Vessel Rotating Drum BioReactor several years ago because of the growing and tremendous challenge of handling huge volumes of solid organic waste in municipalities (biosolids, household waste, yard and leaf waste etc), on farms (manure, mortalities, litter), and in industry (processing wastes, grease trap waste, renderings and sludge etc).
In addition, legislative demands placed upon communities to reduce dependency on landfills, divert organics from landfills, treat biosolids before they are land applied, and dispose of mortalities, renderings, manure etc in a more environmentally responsible way has increased the need for better solid organic waste management strategies.
XACT’s in-vessel, rotating drum BioReactor offers the best solution because it will meet the needs of your operation for a system that is fast and effective, has a low labour requirement, is built like a battle ship, requires very little land, controls odours and leachates, and kills pathogens and viruses. Its simple and robust design is durable yet affordable and significantly decomposes solid organics in as little as 4 to 7 days!
To discuss your waste solidification requirements, or arrange a site visit please Call 02 6365 4433 or
XACT Systems began developing the In-Vessel Rotating Drum BioReactor several years ago because of the growing and tremendous challenge of handling huge volumes of solid organic waste in municipalities (biosolids, household waste, yard and leaf waste etc), on farms (manure, mortalities, litter), and in industry (processing wastes, grease trap waste, renderings and sludge etc).
In addition, legislative demands placed upon communities to reduce dependency on landfills, divert organics from landfills, treat biosolids before they are land applied, and dispose of in a more environmentally responsible way has increased the need for better solid organic waste management strategies.
XACT’s in-vessel, rotating drum BioReactor offers the best solution because it will meet the needs of your operation with a system that is fast and effective, has low labour requirement, requires very little land, controls odours and leachates, kills pathogens and viruses, and is built to last. Its simple and robust design is durable yet affordable and significantly decomposes solid organics in as little as 4 to 7 days.

To discuss your organics recycling requirements, or arrange a site visit please Call 02 6365 4433 or

How the BioReactor Works
The most impressive time saving feature of the BioReactor Composting Systems in the length of time it takes to process and transform solid organic waste into compost. Typically, the processing time is 4 days! What? How? The BioReactor does so by tightly controlling the factors that are needed for natural decomposition to occur.
The rotating drum provides a perfect environment for the decomposition process to occur. The naturally occurring aerobic bacteria do the actual decomposition work, and the BioReactor provides the perfect setting by controlling all the relevant factors—moisture, oxygen, temperature—within the specific parameters that good composting requires as per Mother Nature.
The time that the waste remains in the vessel is called retention time and this can vary depending on the type of waste to be composted. Typically, 4 days is sufficient to achieve compost that is about 75% mature (decomposed) and pathogen free, weed seed free, insect larvae free and virtually odourless.

How the BioReactor Works
The most impressive time saving feature of the BioReactor Composting Systems in the length of time it takes to process and transform solid organic waste into compost. Typically, the processing time is 4 days! What? How? The BioReactor does so by tightly controlling the factors that are needed for natural decomposition to occur.
The rotating drum provides a perfect environment for the decomposition process to occur. The naturally occurring aerobic bacteria do the actual decomposition work, and the BioReactor provides the perfect setting by controlling all the relevant factors—moisture, oxygen, temperature—within the specific parameters that good composting requires as per Mother Nature!
The time that the waste remains in the vessel is called retention time and this can vary depending on the type of waste to be composted. Typically, 4 days is sufficient to achieve compost that is about 75% mature (decomposed) and pathogen free, weed seed free, insect larvae free and virtually odourless.
XACT Systems began developing the In-Vessel Rotating Drum BioReactor several years ago because of the growing and tremendous challenge of handling huge volumes of solid organic waste in municipalities (biosolids, household waste, yard and leaf waste etc), on farms (manure, mortalities, litter), and in industry (processing wastes, grease trap waste, renderings and sludge etc).
In addition, legislative demands placed upon communities to reduce dependency on landfills, divert organics from landfills, treat biosolids before they are land applied, and dispose of mortalities, renderings, manure etc in a more environmentally responsible way has increased the need for better solid organic waste management strategies.
XACT’s in-vessel, rotating drum BioReactor offers the best solution because it will meet the needs of your operation for a system that is fast and effective, has a low labour requirement, is built like a battle ship, requires very little land, controls odours and leachates, and kills pathogens and viruses. Its simple and robust design is durable yet affordable and significantly decomposes solid organics in as little as 4 to 7 days!

To discuss your waste solidification requirements, or arrange a site visit please Call 02 6365 4433 or
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